National League of NursingNational League of Nursing

The Voice of Nursing Education

Advocacy to Action: Policy Options for Funding Nursing Education


Logo of the National League for Nursing

What is the benefit of this course?

To learn about state and federal policies that impact funding of nursing education and advocacy strategies to improve funding of nursing education


What you will learn

1. The ability to identify state and federal level funding considerations for nursing education.

2. The ability to discuss how funding policies impact the gap between graduate performance and the needs of hospitals.


How it works

  • Course Length

    1 hour

  • Instruction

    Online, Self-paced

  • Cost

    $30 - Non-members | $27 - Members

  • CEU

    0.1 CEUs / 1 Contact Hour (To earn the full contact hours/CEUs, you must complete the assignments and pass the survey/quiz with a score of 80% or higher.)


Who is this course intended for?

This program is intended for nurse educators seeking professional development and continuing education.

What are the course expectations and progression?

This course is self-paced. 

What kind of technology is required?

Learners will need access to a computer, tablet, or smart phone to complete the course.


There will be no cancellations, returns, or exchanges.  No exceptions.  

Price: $30.00