National League of NursingNational League of Nursing

The Voice of Nursing Education

Communication and Language in the Boardroom


Course Overview

The Communication and Languarge in the Boardroom Certificate Program provides learning opportunities for nurses who desire to learn more about to how to use linguistic strategies in the boardroom. While the focus in the introduction is on nursing, the learning modules are designed for an interprofessional audience.

What you will learn

Each participant will have the opportunity to: 

1. Define and understand linguistics, communities of practice, and framing.

2. Reframe language as a technology.

3. Understand the linguistic concept of jargon.

4. Explore the unique language patterns that characterize boardroom conversations.

5. Apply the two functions of language to miscommunications.

6. Examine the linguistic structure of assumptions and stereotypes.

7. Explore how individuals in the boardroom approach advocacy, both for themselves and others.

8. Learn specific language patterns that create inclusive environments to support advocates and dismantle biased systems.

9. Explore types of board governance models and board roles.

10. Observe, examine, and integrate the three functions of Leadership Language in the boardroom.


How it works

  • Course Length

    5 hours

  • Instruction

    Asynchronous, Online, On-Demand

  • Cost


  • CEU

    0.5 CEU's and 5 Contact Hours


Who is this course intended for?

Open to novice and veteran faculty. 

What are the course expectations and progression?

The course is self-paced with each module taking up to 1 hour to complete.  It is recommended that learners take on module per week.  Each module contains content and a brief interactive learning activity for the learner to share insights and ideas on how they are incorportating technology into their teaching and learning and learn from others taking the course asynchronously. 

What kind of technology is required?

Learners will need access to a computer, tablet, or smart phone to complete the course.


There will be no cancellations, returns or exchanges.  No exceptions.  

Price: $195.00