National League of NursingNational League of Nursing

The Voice of Nursing Education

Taking Aim at Good Teaching: Engaging and Assessing

Taking Aim at Good Teaching: Engaging and Assessing

Good teaching fosters development of critical thinking using contemporary neuroscience principles whether learners are face to face or remote. Beginning with the end in mind, join instructional technologist Dr. Andrew Bobal as he shares his Gamified Interactive Teaching Model (GITM) to successfully bring classroom lesson plans to life and shows how to both provide instruction that engages learners to use the content and provide a means of assessment on instruction success.

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Integrating a Framework to Foster Clinical Judgment

Integrating a Framework to Foster Clinical Judgment

The purpose of this course is to provide foundational evidence for how pre-licensure nursing programs are using clinical judgment models and teaching strategies to promote students' clinical judgment, and present a framework to support faculty integration of a clinical judgment model and use of multiple teaching strategies in pre-licensure nursing curricula.

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Classroom Without Borders: Faculty Rounding on Clinical Sites

Classroom Without Borders: Faculty Rounding on Clinical Sites

The "Classroom Without Borders" project was designed to close the gap between classroom and clinical practice by facilitating knowledge transference. Faculty from a baccalaureate nursing program, teaching foundational medical-surgical courses, round weekly on students at clinical sites working in partnership with clinical faculty to ensure that assignments are designed to achieve weekly outcomes. Faculty provide an immersion experience within clinical that includes handoff reports and Socratic questioning to promote development of clinical judgment. Rubrics are used to grade assignments. Reflection papers and communal blogs about the experience are completed weekly.

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Ethics in Nursing Education: Tools for Cultivating Ethical Competence in Learners

Ethics in Nursing Education:

Tools for Cultivating Ethical Competence in Learners

The eight-session course features speakers from both the American Nurses Association and the National League for Nursing with expertise in ethics in nursing education, diversity & inclusion, societal factors, and the intersection of ethics and the law, Ethics in Nursing Education equips nurse educators with essential skills to prepare a more principled and effectual nursing workforce for the 21st century.

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Teaching with Technology

Teaching with Technology

This online course will provide learning focused on using technology and instructional methods to enhance learner engagement in and out of the classroom.

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Legal Practice Perspectives for the Academic Nurse Educator

Legal Practice Perspectives for the Academic Nurse Educator

This program provides information about the legal issues affecting the role of the academic nurse educator. Although the nurse educator must practice within legal guidelines, the law that impacts the academic nurse educator role is only rarely discussed and not typically contained within education courses.

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Faculty Intensives:

This series of online hybrid NLN faculty intensive courses are designed to prepare faculty entering the academic nurse educator environment or our experienced nurse educators looking to enhance their existing faculty knowledge and skills to successfully work within this contemporary nursing education movement.

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NLN CNEcl Course

This online learning program will prepare the participant for the NLN CNE®cl Certification examination. It is the only official NLN online course. The session will identify the CNE®cl testing criteria and an overview of the certification exam.

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