National League of NursingNational League of Nursing

The Voice of Nursing Education

Faculty Intensives:

This series of online hybrid NLN faculty intensive courses are designed to prepare faculty entering the academic nurse educator environment or our experienced nurse educators looking to enhance their existing faculty knowledge and skills to successfully work within this contemporary nursing education movement.

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NLN CNEcl Course

This online learning program will prepare the participant for the NLN CNE®cl Certification examination. It is the only official NLN online course. The session will identify the CNE®cl testing criteria and an overview of the certification exam.

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Advancing Care Excellence for Caregivers (ACE.C)

Develop your understanding of the complex needs of family caregivers of older adults. Understand the domains of the interprofessional family caregiving competencies and domains of family caregiving preparedness. Practice integrating caregiving content into your curricula by developing a lesson plan that integrates family caregivers into the health care team.

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